The World Heritage Sites are places of importance to cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, established in 1972. Georgia accepted the convention on 4 November 1992, making its sites eligible for inclusion on the list. As of 2023, there are three World Heritage Sites in Georgia, all of which are cultural sites.

Gelati Monastery, a masterpiece of the Georgian Golden Age, was built in 1106 by King David IV and was one of the main cultural and intellectual centers in Georgia throughout the Middle Ages. It had an Academy which employed some of the most celebrated Georgian scientists, theologians and philosophers, many of whom had previously been active at various orthodox monasteries abroad.

The historic churches of Mtskheta, former capital of Georgia, are outstanding examples of medieval religious architecture in the Caucasus. They show the high artistic and cultural level attained by this ancient kingdom. The classification includes two of Georgia's most ancient religious structures: the Svetitskhoveli (Cathedral of the Living Pillar) and the Jvari Monastery (Monastery of the Cross), as well as the historical area of Mtskheta in which the two are situated. The monuments trace their origin to the dawn of Christianity in Georgia in the first half of the first millennium A.D. and were judged by UNESCO to be a testament of "the high artistic and cultural level attained by this ancient kingdom."

This remote and beautiful community of Georgia's alpine region of Svaneti were recognized by UNESCO as an "exceptional example of mountain scenery with medieval-type villages and tower-houses", which were often family-built and served to protect against invaders for centuries.